Sunday, July 13, 2014

...a poem contemplating what is over my head


O edgeless sky
so blue in day, so black at night,
your wonders fly above my head...
I want to cry
in savage tongues, in learnéd tongues,
beholding you with swelling heart,
watching your vast containment,
crying out in joy
and dread.

O weightless clouds
in looming march, in mystic march,
you meet and scatter at your whim...
Your flight confounds
my wayward mind, my tiny mind,
beholding you with drifting cares,
wanting your grace and freedom,
tempted to compose
a hymn.

O crystal stars
all beacon flames, all known by names,
beyond all sanity you spin...
How tame you are!
for with your power, I’d be a horror;
but there you burn, there you turn,
brilliant, obedient watchers
singing agelong songs
for Him.

Mark N. Aikins
July 10, 2014