Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Feeding Trough

The days come ‘round again to read
of a place where creatures come to feed
and satisfy many a basic need:
for bodies a meal...for spirits, a creed.

For the wealthy, and those less well-off,
for the unschooled and the college prof,
the souls that pray, and those who scoff
all repair to the feeding trough.

For humans, no less than bird or beast,
from hunger’s shackles must be released,
be it a bare crust or a sultan’s feast...
our flagging forces must be increased.

So, who provides for our needs each day
and fills the feeding trough with hay?
Who pities the fevered, famished stray
that wanders headstrong out and away?

And what do his creatures need the most
from the treasuries of this kindly host?
Are our hearts and bodies too engrossed
to hail our Lord with a thankful toast?

For in the night this Lord came flying
to the aid of lost ones dead and dying;
O see Him there in the manger lying,
with His fouled creatures identifying...

In the feeding trough of Bethlehem
see the Baby--Heaven’s priceless gem--
who is born to feed the least of them:
even those who’d mock him and condemn!

They borrowed a manger for His birth
when their own Creator graced this earth.
Let us feed on Christ with thankful mirth:
Bread of endless life...Wine of wondrous worth!

by Mark Aikins
December 13, 2015