Saturday, February 15, 2014


Admire the pagans of this world
who pour themselves into nature-love,
assuring themselves the stars are kind...
Children of earth snuggle up to Mother,
rest and slumber in Her sweet embrace...
by chance awakening in a conqueror's chains,
stirred or abused by forbidden lust,
or cut down by descending fire.
Eternal hope, though, springs anew
should Fate spare 'til winter's end.

Admire the Nietzsches of this world
who follow philosophy to its ending,
bending no knee except to passion...
Children of Kant the Great
(he who woke to play with Hume's viper)
create nothingness out of a good Creation,
repaying in kind the denied deity,
sleeping in nightmares while awake...
laughing at love...sneering at hope...
furred with hubris against endless winter.

O admire, man of power!
O admire, woman of wonder!
Admire those journeying into dreams...
Admire them like shades on a screen,
but do not bend your knee or swear allegiance,
for the prophet says: in the end you shall be
like your idols.

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