Friday, March 14, 2014

A poem about Anticipation

The Spring

It means much more than waiting,
waiting for minutes and days
that seem like years and millenia.
More than weeks that weaken one with waiting,
wearing and wearying petrifying bones.
Time bombards well-bolstered buildings,
roofs rickety upon pillars of patience,
but shifting temporal Saharas--
all that grit grinding through the glass--
that isn’t all we mean.

Beneath, an Artesian ocean
ripples, sloshes, bubbles up and beckons.
Seeping up through dry-as-dust landscapes,
filling up water-table wastelands,
finding latent seeds and spores to drink it in,
the unresting reservoir brings life to dead waiting.

Celebration comes at lazy clocks’ chiming,
travelers return as soon as sojourns subside...
victims are vindicated when wheels of justice jar to a halt,
and lost pets and lost souls all reach the welcome mat.
In long...interminal...waiting...
is not in vain. Not when promises can be trusted.
Not when a King of Love is on His throne.

Not when there is Hope.



  1. There is a deep anticipation for the second coming of Christ in my heart lately and then I read this poem. Waiting IS a good thing. Hope IS a good thing. Promises ARE a good thing. As we see through the glass dimly, one day we will see Him face to face and I long for that day to be soon. Great poem!

  2. Great to hear from you, Pastor Rustin! Thank you for the comment and for your willingness to spread the word about the blog. Blessings.

  3. I really like this one, from reading this waiting is not so awful anymore. Beautiful Poem Mark.
