Thursday, April 5, 2018

Friendly Fire

Wandering too close to danger,
to charging currents skirling up,
reeling skyward through the murk
past kites and flocks and Boeing busses,
odor of ozone in their wake...

I defy the winds and wariness
that seek to drive me back to safety--
to the shelter of my hall of mirrors
where all I sense is under control.

Daring the death darts flashing past
as if they fly at my command:
celestial surges coruscating
in ingenious fractal forms,
I feel warmed by bolting flames
that once lapped up Carmelite waters,
wood, stones and sacrifice...

For I trust the Genesis, the Just One,
the Generator of all photons, forces,
phenomena that threaten things physical
with the holy hazard of unapproachable light.
