Sunday, February 9, 2014


My mind, I fear, flirts with insanity...
so plagued by doubt, like all humanity,
and siren-sung by Faires of Vanity,
while devil-dogged I pant for some relief--
the madness haunting me called “unbelief.”

The scroll of nature scriven front and back...
with flames of reason making plain each track,
and words prophetic heaped upon this stack...
Why then this headlong foray into grief--
unreasoning, self-blinding unbelief?

"Look at this fruit,” the serpent said to Eve.
“Behold its shape...what wisdom it could give!
You shall not gods, God’s bondage leave!”
Thus, Eve’s and Adam’s innocence, so brief,
was washed away by waves of unbelief.

Since then, I and my brothers die like flies;
we lap the snake-oil up of Satan’s lies
and, like Eve, deem it happy, safe and wise
to hail Sin’s mastery...become its fief...
only to drown true joy with unbelief.

New hearts we need--new power and new birth.
With heaven’s joys a Savior stooped to earth
to earn us what true righteousness is worth
and give to sinners, of whom I am chief,
deliverance from the scourge of unbelief.

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