Friday, April 10, 2015

New Beginnings?

January marks the beginning of a new year...yet it feels like the continuation of a bitter, cold season.

New relationships can be enticing and fun...until you start being haunted by memories of old ones and the baggage you still carry.

Favorite TV shows promise premiere episodes that resolve the cliff-hangers from last season...

It seems like every new beginning sneaks in a remnant of the past.

Everything new is old again...or is that vice versa?

The Preacher from Ecclesiastes looked and looked in vain for “something new under the sun.”

Every new day is a repeat of the day before: sun rising and hurrying to the place where it sets,
long shadows shortening...then lengthening the opposite way, blossoms opening and closing again.

Looking forward to the new, rewards one with the assurance that one may look back on recollections of the old.

Time’s passage makes newness a fleeting spark that never burns.

New Year’s resolutions may be well-intentioned...but how many last into February?

Wedding bells ring every June...divorce court gavels hammer just as often.

Birthdays arrive, hailed and unhailed, reminders of a primal cry...and the approaching last gasp.

New stars in the heavens are truly exploding novae, heralding the death of faraway planets.

Bored teenagers hunger for novelty...then they fall in love with dead film stars, and their fashions.

Old people come to fear novelty...then, in their dotage, see old friends as newcomers.

Witness Protection Programs promise a new beginning: protection from the past, of course.

True newness must be a spiritual thing...for under the sun, ain’t no such thing!

MNA 4/9/2015

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