Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Man Called "Bill"

A boy who loved his mom and worked the land,
Who made his friends with ease and lent a hand
In times when scarcity made living hard;
He grew up loving peace and standing guard.
This child who heard of conflicts far away
He went to shore up freedom in his day...
Returning with his patriot heart still warm,
He chose to stand guard in another form.
And, marrying well, he drove his brave patrol
With children watching him fulfill his role.
So, whether daughter's eyes, or wife's, or sons',
All saw in him a peace not forged by guns.
Indeed, I well remember Father's claim
That suspects don't deserve a crippling shame.
He taught me that all men deserve respect--
To try hard in the bad, good to detect.
In fact, I find it rare that Dad would speed
To judge a fellow man of careless deed.
Yes, many lessons he has left behind...
And, as he mounts in years, we children find
That Father's shoes become harder to fill.
And that we'll always love a man called "Bill."

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