Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Time to Laugh

A smile rests on every face
‘mid liquid jewels of joy,
and laughter like the flurry of wings
ere back and forth ‘cross the table springs
as newborn sages, priests and kings
all settle, each in a special place--
celebrants without alloy!

The hall is filled with candlelight,
a feast ablaze with flame!
Reflected radiance glances there
on crowns, tiaras and shining hair,
for all the honored adoptees wear
the garnered graces, bold and bright,
all awarded for the Name.

All voices ring with notes of song
more natural than speech,
for friends from long-ago are met
along with many-a beloved pet
and relatives hailed with faces wet,
all parted from us far too long,
now at last within our reach!

We laugh to think of what we used
to imagine about this day:
that embarrassment would veil our eyes
or we’d be upbraided for compromise,
as if our own works had won the prize;
we now just shake our heads, amused
that we ever dreamt that way!

We laugh at our old rebellious ways
when walking back there on earth:
that I used to desire my pride to stoke
and such pleasures as passed away like smoke,
that I treated God’s gifts like a winking joke.
We laugh and praise Him that those days
were revealed for what they’re worth...

The laughter rolls through the lofty hall
as the banquet Master tells
of joy that the Family is now all here
and that Sadness is overcome by Cheer;
His laugh means the end of Grief and Fear,
and eternally happy are one and all
who have drunk of Salvation’s wells!

MNA 4.10.2016

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