Friday, May 20, 2016

"Kinds" of Christianity?

Probably no other person in history has been so variously discussed and interpreted as has Jesus Christ. And with good reason.

Jesus’ arrival on the stage of human history changed the world’s calendar for all time (B.C. to A.D.), producing radical changes in religion, philosophy, law, art, politics, ethics...the list is endless.

Curious observers may see all this and be contented with plain historical facts and journalistic analyses of Christ’s life and its affects on civilization...

But surely it is much more crucial for me to consider WHY Jesus came.

Of course, to those who believe He was no more than a great man, that would be a meaningless question. If Jesus was a mere human being, his coming into our world was no more a volitional act on his part than the conception and delivery of any other male baby.

But, the New Testament (as well as the prophecies of the Old) clearly present Jesus Christ as MORE than a man. In truth, the reason so many things changed so drastically as a result of His coming, is that Jesus is “God in the flesh.” Christians the world over have accepted this as a settled article of their faith for millenia.

So, WHY did God decide to take on flesh--a human nature--and come into our world two thousand years ago? We need not guess at the answers. All we need to do is read our Bible.

People were lost.

We were created by the God and King of the universe, and had rebelled against Him, denied His word, rejected His love, scoffed at His laws. Because of His just and holy nature, God hates our sin and must judge and punish the sinner.

People were lost, but God loved us anyway and came to save the lost!

Mankind needed a Savior: a Prophet to deliver the truth from God we needed to hear, a Priest to make perfect atonement for our sin, a King to lead, defend and rule over us both in this life and the life to come. JESUS is that Savior!

So...are there OTHER “kinds” of Christianity?

Is there a “kind” of Christianity that says that God is NOT angry at our sin, and would never sentence any sinner to eternal punishment? A kind that sees no real need for a sin-bearing Savior on a blood-soaked cross? A kind that compromises the word and warnings of a holy Lawgiver by suggesting an “unconditional,” man-pleasing love that makes God more acceptable and reasonable? A kind of Christianity that sees Jesus as just a good example who encourages some divine spark in all of us?

For these “kinds” of Christianity, the coming of Jesus Christ, at least, for the reasons the Bible gives, would have been unnecessary...even tragic and ridiculous.

You, friend, are free to believe any “kind” of Christianity you please; thankfully, we all still share that right.

As for me, I choose to believe my Bible, the words of Jesus, the promises and warnings of God, and the historic testimony of Christ’s beloved church.

Because once I was lost...and thanks to Jesus, I’ve been found!

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